Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lazy Sunday

I was up really, really late working on my blog. Am soooooo very tie-tie today.


  1. Hai Romeo! We just accepted yer twitter request! We are glad to meet yoo! TT Girl is a Rainbow Bridge kitty now but Me (Molly) Shadow, Troo and woofie Jake still use it (TT saidid it was okay). Do yoo know about the Cat Blogosphere? Its a place where all us kittehs put our blog links up daily wif our posts and we keep up wif one another. Yoo can find dat great place

  2. I wish I could be with you today, so that I could chase you around the house. That would wake you up. Now, off to run down squirrels in the yard.

  3. Blogging is hard work sometimes, but fun!
